Sharon Thesen’s Reading at Bowerings’
Side A
On Side A, Thesen reads: “Japanese Movies,” “Choice,” “Jack & Jill,” “Being Lost, As Usual,” “Thanks for the Party,” “Day Dream,” “Kirk Lonegren’s Home Movie Taking Place Just North of Prince George, with Sound,” “Mean Drunk Poem,” “Artemis Hates Romance,” “On an Island, Swinging at Night on a Rope that Hangs from a Tree,” “Easter Sunday,” “It Being Over, There Being No Other Way,” “Postscript to Duncan McNaughton,” “The Shifting Sands Motel,” “July 1st, 1979,” and part of “Getting on With It.”
Side B
On Side B, Thesen reads: second part of “Getting on With It,” “After Joe Clark Winning the Federal Election,” “Dedication,” “Japanese Movies 2,” [intermission], “Wilkinson Road Poems,” “Po-It-Tree,” Parts of Speech: 12 Poems: “1. The,” “2. To See,” “3. This & That,” “4. Confession,” “5. Usage,” “6. Person Place or Thing,” 7. The Argument Begins With A,” “8. Grinning Away in Paradise,” “9. After Spicer,” “[rereads by request] 9. After Spicer,” “10. Magic,” “11. Echolocation,” “12. The End,” “Loose Woman Poem.” [end of Artemis Hates Romance] [reads from new work-in-progress, introduced as, “Radio New France Radio”] “The Fable [?],” “Carre St. Louis,” [re-reads by request] “Carre St. Louis,” “Here.”