
Warren Tallman fonds

Subjects include: Robert Creeley, Ezra Pound, Charles Olson, Brian Henderson, Jacqueline Larson, Jodey Castricano, bpNichol, Robin Blaser, Steve McCaffery, Eudora Welty, Sharon Thesen, Frank Davey, George Bowering, Daphne Marlatt and Fred Wah, among others.

U.S.American-born Warren Tallman moved to Vancouver in the 1950s to take up a position as a professor at University of British Columbia where he remained until his retirement in 1987. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, he mentored several Canadian poets who made up the TISH movement. The majority of these recordings were made between 1961 and 1986, capturing pertinent poetry events. Made on both reel-to-reel and cassette tapes, these recordings include lectures and poetry readings by, as well as  interviews with poets from Canada, the United States, and England. Several of his recordings and interviews occurred in the home that he shared with his wife, Ellen Tallman, as well as in the classroom at UBC. Among the 40 cassettes and 24 reel-to-reels in the Tallman fonds are in-home recordings, classroom lectures, interviews, and public readings. 

| Recordings

  • Sharon Thesen class visit, reading from The Beginning of the Long Dash ms, Nov 14 86, ENGL 205 (full recording).

    Sharon Thesen class visit, reading from The Beginning of the Long Dash ms, Nov 14 86, ENGL 205 (full recording). Citation: “Nov 14 86 205 Sharon” from Nov 14 86 205 Sharon Thesen [Guest lectures in Warren Tallman’s English 205 class]. 1986. 2012.002.033. Warren Tallman fonds. SoundBox Collection, AMP Lab at UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, B.C.…

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  • A black cassette tape with a white label at the bottom. In handwriting reads, "November 14, 86', 205 Sharon Thesen."

    “Chrysanthemum Perfume”

    “Chrysanthemum Perfume” from The Beginning of the Long Dash

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  • “4 parts of morning for 714”

    Citation: Marlatt, Daphne. “4 parts of morning for 714” from leaf leaf/s. from DHL Tape [Warren Tallman Interview with Daphne Marlatt, Vancouver, 1969]. July 1969. 2012.002.016, Warren Tallman fonds. SoundBox Collection, AMP Lab at UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, B.C.

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  • leaf leaf/s Reading

    Citation: Marlatt, Daphne. “leaf leaf/s Reading”, excerpt from DHL Tape [Warren Tallman Interview with Daphne Marlatt, Vancouver, 1969]. July 1969. 2012.002.016, Warren Tallman fonds. SoundBox Collection, AMP Lab at UBC Okanagan, Kelowna, B.C.

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