How to use this website
The metadata of the collection will be publicly accessible through SpokenWeb‘s metadata ingest system called Swallow. The SoundBox Collection website serves as an introduction to select recordings and remediations made public with permission of the copyright holder. Here you can explore the SoundBox collection starting with its fonds or through our curation of speakers and events.
The fonds of the SoundBox collection are organized by donor. The fonds represent often intimate collections that have been thoughtfully curated and cared for by their donor. The collection is indebted to the community and the many hands and voices that went into the creation and curation of the recordings donated.
Sharon Thesen fonds
Subjects include: Phyllis Webb, John Newlove, George Bowering, Angela Bowering and Robin Blaser.
Warren Tallman fonds
Subjects include: Robert Creeley, Ezra Pound, Charles Olson, Brian Henderson, Jacqueline Larson, Jodey Castricano, bpNichol, Robin Blaser, Steve McCaffery, Eudora Welty, Sharon Thesen, Frank Davey, George Bowering, Daphne Marlatt and Fred Wah, among others.
Robert Hogg fonds
Subjects include: Peggy Kelley, Gregg Morgan, Robert Manery, Robert Duncan, J.H. Prynne, Leonard Cohen (home recording of Cohen’s studio album), Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Paul Kennedy, Robert Fulford, Ezra Pound, T.S Eliot, Robinson Jeffers, W.H. Auden, Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, John Berryman, Randall Jarrell, Margaret Atwood, Jack Kerouac, Robert Priest and Ron Charach.
Fred Wah fonds
Subjects include: Warren Tallman, Ellen Tallman, Fred Wah, Pauline Butling, Margaret Avison, Gladys (Maria) Hindmarch, Robert Duncan, Charles Olson, Ken Tallman, Allen Ginsburg, Ed Dorn, Daphne Marlatt, Robin Blaser, Jack Clarke, Stan Persky, Laurens Van der Post, Ralph Maud, John Wieners, Jack Spicer, Thomas Parkinson, Robert Creeley, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gael Turnbull, Louis Zukofsky, Witter Bynner, George Stanley, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Gerry Gilbert, Edward Marshall, Field Dawson, Gary Snyder, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Cid Corman, Michael McClure, George Butterick, Ron Loewinsohn, Joanne Kyger, Lew Welch, Kurt Schwitter, Jim Boyack, Robin Eichele, Victor Coleman, Robert Hogg, Steve Rodefer, David Franks, Kenneth…
Frank Davey fonds
Subjects include: Robert Creeley, Charles Olson, bpNichol, Daphne Marlatt, Anne Waldman, Frank Davey, Robert Duncan, Jack Spicer, Earle Birney, Robin Mathews, Victor Coleman, Allen Ginsberg, Basil Bunting, Charles Olson, Judith Fitzgerald, George Bowering, Warren Tallman, Al Purdy, George Young, Jim Andrews.
George Bowering fonds
Subjects include: Angela Bowering, Thea Bowering, Warren Tallman, Louis Dudek, Sheila Watson, Wyndham Lewis, Sharon Thesen, Robin Blaser, Gerry Gilbert, and Roy Kiyooka (as well as others in the recording collage who are unidentified).
Peter Quartermain fonds
Due to the sheer volume of this collection, subjects are many. They include: Basil Bunting, Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot, Susan Howe, Steve McCaffery, Lyn Hejinian, William Carlos Williams, Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, Louis Zukofsky, Kathleen Fraser, Joan Retallack, Beverley Dahlen, Rachel Blau Du Plessis, Rae Armantrout, Susan Gevirtz, Rosemarie Waldrop, Robin Blaser, Jerome McGann, Marjorie Perloff, Nathaniel Mackey, Joseph Conte, Jenny Penberthy, Ezra Pound, P.G. Wodehouse, Meredith Quartermain, Daphne Marlatt, Don Byrd, John “Jack” Clarke, Burton Hatlen, Gael Turnbull, Judith Draycott, Bruce Andrews, George Bowering, Miriam Nichols, Douglas Oliver, Tom Raworth, Geraldine Monk, Nicole Brossard, Diane Ward, Myung Mi Kim,…
The collection is indebted to community and the many hands and voices that went into the creation and curation of the recordings donated. While the speakers here and within their respective pages are organized in such a way that suggests isolation from one another, this by no means reflects the nature of the collection. The collection is highly networked and collaborative, through visible and often invisible labour produced by marginalized members reflected or not reflected in the collection.
The collection is still being processed. Recordings of events, containing multiple speakers, will eventually be shared here and tagged as “events.”